20 Dec 2022 Holiday Message
The holidays are truly a special time of year. For me, it has nothing to do with any presents I receive (I keep telling my kids not to get me anything). It is about the quality time spent breaking bread and sharing stories and memories. Unfortunately, these times don’t happen as often as we would all want, but they are truly very special when they do.
Reflecting on 2022, I am truly disappointed in the amount of hate that has become part of our society. Hopefully, you will join me in finding that extra level of friendship to give to anyone you interact with over the Holidays. Telling someone “Have a great Holiday” does not take much effort, but you may be surprised how much that simple message is appreciated.
Also, be sure to give special thanks (and donations if you can) to two special groups of people. This includes our village, city, and state law enforcement forces, who, without fail, do their job and don’t ask for much thanks in return. The Christmas Holiday for many of these great folks does not mean a day off. Also, thank those in the medical field who provide a high quality of care and compassion every day.
To each of you and your families and friends, I wish you the best of the holiday season.