21 May And the Winner Is ….!
As many of the E&O Plus agency staff know, I am a big sports fan and tend to use sports analogies to help explain various issues. Recently, I was reading an article on one of my favorite hockey teams that announced a couple of awards: a team MVP and a Players’ Player award. The second award was voted on by all of the players on the team. It got me thinking about how that concept could apply to E&O.
As you are hopefully aware, the E&O Plus program has a QMP award that annually recognizes the firm’s commitment to excellence in client service, evidenced by its superior achievement in implementing the components of the Quality Management Program. I suggest recognizing other areas of excellence (whether the agency wins the E&O Plus award or not). Areas such as:
- The best branch office: The vast majority of the E&O Plus agencies have more than one office. How about a healthy competition between the offices to recognize the branch office that is truly outstanding and committed to a solid E&O culture?
- The best division within an office: This award would include all divisions:
- Commercial Lines – Small and Middle Market
- Personal Lines – Main Street and High Net Worth
- Benefits – Small and Middle Market
- Management Liability
- Claims
- Etc.
- The E&O champion in the entire agency or each division: This award would be given to the person who truly exemplifies a solid commitment to E&O loss prevention on a daily basis.
E&O loss prevention is serious, and those individuals or branches committed to it should be recognized and rewarded.
Who would be the winner in your agency / your division?