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E&O Plus Blog

The bottom line, the answer to that question is an emphatic “Yes, Yes, and Yes.” While most E&O Plus agencies have good practices and procedures, that is not enough. The key unknown is “To what degree are the staff following the stated procedures?” The consistency...

Client accountability. As you have hopefully noticed in many of these blogs, client accountability should be a key element of your agency's culture. To a large degree, it is up to the client what coverage they buy and what they don't. Client accountability is a...

I trust that you would agree that E&O loss prevention is a significant element of your agency’s operation. After all, when E&O claims happen, they will virtually always cost money since E&O policies have a deductible that needs to be met before the E&O carrier...

You just got off a call with one of your clients. They contacted you to advise you of a loss they just suffered and wanted to report it to the insurance company. Based on the details presented, you have doubts about whether that claim is...

I am sure everyone is familiar with Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare," which tells the story of a race between a tortoise and a hare. One of the key themes deals with patience, hard work, and a slow but steady approach by the...

Many may be familiar with the term “odd duck.” It essentially means “an unusual person with peculiar behavioral characteristics.” I make that reference because, in many respects, claims-made coverage is that “odd duck.” It has a different coverage form as well as a very specific...

According to Google, this is the Spanish translation for "I need insurance." Would you understand your customer's request? What if your client doesn't speak English? Over the past number of years, as I have traveled around this great country doing E&O classes, the topic of...

As you receive this week's blog, hopefully, you or some of your colleagues are going to Chicago for the annual E&O Plus Quality Management Seminar. The agenda is packed with many top industry presenters addressing key issues affecting the current marketplace. Built virtually into every...

The phrase "Execution is everything" can be attributed to Jeff Bridges, an American actor known for his leading roles in film and television. He has received numerous awards, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. I reference this tremendous actor because I sense...