28 Jun E&O Prevention is like…
The other day, I was on my way to the gym for my 65-minute Elliptical workout (trying to lose 25 pounds), and fortunately or unfortunately, I was thinking about the topic for my next blog article. In my 15-minute ride to the gym, I noticed how well-behaved all of the drivers were. Vehicles were being courteous in letting other vehicles cut in. Everyone was observing the traffic lights, with no one looking to run a red light. People were stopping at the stop signs, not just casually rolling through them. No road rage! Wow, what a great thing. All drivers were doing what they were supposed to. Why can’t every day be like this?
Now you are probably asking, “where does Curt live…in the country?”
So, somehow in my mind, I combined E&O prevention (for my next blog article) and good driver behavior and came up with the concept that E&O loss prevention is like “everyone behaving while driving.” After all, isn’t one of the many basic concepts of E&O loss prevention involving all staff performing their role prudently and professionally?
Being behind the wheel is a serious undertaking, and many bad things can happen when the various rules and regulations are not performed properly. Being in an agency and performing one’s role is also a serious undertaking. When everyone does their job and performs their role as a team member, good things are almost guaranteed to happen, but when one person (all it takes is one) doesn’t do their job in the expected manner, the chances of something bad happening goes up.
With the July 4th holiday coming up, AAA has forecasted that 48 million people will be traveling more than 50 miles on a trip of some type. Here’s hoping everyone behaves.
First, to all, wishing you a safe and enjoyable July 4th with family and friends. And while driving, think about the rules of E&O prevention like the rules of the road. On second thought, don’t be thinking about that — enjoy your time with friends and family.