22 Dec Happy Holidays to You and Your Families
This is a very special time of year and I certainly hope that this holiday season allows each of you to spend time with family and friends. Be sure to let them know how special they are in your lives. For those that lost a loved one or a close friend during the past year, this can be a challenging time. Take time to reflect on the special times and memories that those individuals brought into your lives.
With few exceptions, most of us will have the day off. Among the exceptions are those that have chosen the career of protecting us day in and day out. I am speaking of our village, city and state police forces who without fail, do their job and don’t ask for much thanks in return. This is a great time to let them know that you appreciate what they do and to offer them a Happy Holiday greeting. I am sure that they will appreciate it.
To each of you and your families, the best of the holiday season.