13 Feb How About a Committee?
Since my first E&O Plus review, I have always had a tremendous appreciation for the role of the agency quality coordinator. For the E&O reviewer, they are the main contact between the agency and the E&O Plus program. And with virtually no exceptions, I am proud to state that the agencies I am honored to work with do a tremendous job.
Some may think their role is simply to coordinate the review and “herd the cats” in organizing the agenda and scheduling the times and locations. While that is one of their roles, their responsibilities can also involve:
- Evaluate the current status of the agency/brokerage
- Increase and maintain agency/brokerage awareness of quality management
- Develop internal procedures / keep them up to date
- Implement the procedures
- Shepherd quality management internal client audits
- Prepare and submit management reports to Assurex Global
- Coordinate annual review/consulting visit by a QMP representative
The actual responsibilities of the quality coordinator will probably vary based on the size of the brokerage and the current level of program implementation. All in all, it is a lot, in addition to the significant role they are also responsible for in the firm.
Let me throw out a suggestion for consideration. This approach is one that I have discussed several times with some of the firms I work with, and I have seen firsthand the unbelievable progress firms have made in the E&O Plus Quality Management Program with it.
The approach is to have the quality oversight of the agency handled by a committee. For example, the committee would include key CL, PL, benefits, and training representatives. Some include a board representative or a senior officer of the firm. When the committee formation is announced to the agency staff, having a board/senior officer on the committee demonstrates the agency is serious about this undertaking.
What would the committee do? Good question, but consider issues/initiatives such as the following:
- Review the audit results in depth and determine what action plans need to be put into place in those areas where an improvement in the results is needed.
- Review the suggestions from the annual E&O review to determine next steps/timelines to address the review findings.
- Address issues from the staff/oversee the handling of requests from management.
- Ensure that the key staff are aware of the E&O Plus resources (Operations Guide, blog, webinars, etc.).
- Provide general oversight of the E&O awareness and loss presentation efforts.
I firmly believe that the agency Board of Directors should be actively aware of the E&O / quality issues their agency is dealing with. Towards this cause, I have suggested to the agencies that the quality committee should be required to provide a report/make a presentation to the Board of Directors at least four times a year.
As you know, the E&O Plus reviewer is on-site typically 1-2 days a year. While we are also your 24/7/365 E&O reviewer (more about that in an upcoming blog), a significant part of the E&O/Quality Management falls on the agency the other 258 days. Having a committee to handle and manage this could result in greater awareness and continued progress toward enhancing your E&O culture.