02 Aug How Easy Is It for You to Locate “All” of the Information on an Account?
A problem has just occurred, and your boss indicates that they want to see you in their office right after lunch with all of the information pertaining to an account. How easy will it be for you to locate “all” of the information?
First of all, when the boss says “all” of the information, they mean “all.” This includes, among other things, all of the emails sent back and forth with that customer.
This task is not a problem for many agencies because they have developed detailed procedures and expectations regarding documentation, including where the various documentation must be stored and under what system tab. Unfortunately, for some agencies, locating “all” of the information is easier said than done!
Very honestly, this need for “all” of the information is a reality. When a problem develops, the last thing you want to be thinking is, “I know that I sent them an email, but where did I put it? Why can’t I find it?” Quite literally, you want to be able to locate the necessary documentation quickly and efficiently. In addition, if this is your file and you are not in the office on the day that the “problem” develops, will your colleague be able to locate “all” of the necessary information, or do you have your own “special” place where you keep things?
To ensure that “all” of the information is readily available, every agency should have established procedures for document management. This should include issues such as:
- There should be only one place where the information is stored, whether that is in the agency management system or a document management system.
- Emails should be attached to the customer file.
- There should be clear definitions of each naming convention and exactly what should be included within each. Many agencies call this the “naming convention tree.”
Document management is a critical piece of a strong E&O culture. While most agencies have the expectations clearly noted, the problem is that not all staff put things where they are supposed to. If your agency is somewhat lacking in this area or if you have an employee (or two) who are not as disciplined as they should be, take the time to develop the necessary procedures and ensure all applicable staff knows what the expectations are. This way, the next time a problem develops, and the boss says they need the entire file, you can feel confident that you are providing the “entire” file.