11 Mar Is It Getting Better?
There is a common expression I have often used, especially when discussing an agency growing its E&O culture. The expression “Rome wasn’t built in a day” dates back to the 12th century and certainly was not expressed to deal with E&O as the wonderful world of E&O probably didn’t exist back then. But, in my mind, fast forward 800+ years; it does seem to have some applicability to E&O growth and development. What is the meaning of that saying? The saying by English playwright John Heywood signifies that great achievements do not take shape overnight; they result from continuous efforts, planning, and patience.
So, for your overall agency and, actually, for each staff member, when you look at yourself in the mirror, can you definitively state that the agency’s E&O culture has grown in the last year? Can members feel confident that they have grown in their E&O awareness and commitment? When each agency staff member grows in their E&O awareness, the agency, as a whole, will experience tremendous E&O growth. What will be the key areas where your agency will grow in 2024? To achieve growth, each agency staff member, including the agency management, should have to commit openly to what areas they will personally work on improving. It is vital that management “walk the walk and talk the talk.”
There are a wide number of areas where growth can be achieved. Some can be accomplished by simply understanding the “why” behind each of the E&O Plus components and how compliance can greatly minimize the potential for E&O claims to occur. Fewer errors and omissions equal fewer E&O claims! A key issue or factor in the equation is that every staff member needs to achieve “E&O” growth. An agency’s E&O culture is only as strong as its weakest link. Don’t hesitate to advise your agency Quality Coordinator (the main contact with E&O Plus) that you would like an E&O class during the agency’s annual E&O review. These sessions have been instrumental in increasing awareness of the various key issues and the “why” behind them.
One of my favorite all-time bands was and still is The Beatles. I remember when they first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in the early ’60s. Ok, I know that I am dating myself. On the way back from the gym the other day, one of their all-time songs came on Sirius XM. The song was from the 1967 album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” One of the songs contained the lyrics, “I’ve got to admit it’s getting better… it’s a little better all the time.” I trust some agency staff reading this blog will remember those words.
Can you state that this is true of you and your agency? Is it getting better all the time? Bottom line: it needs to! Do your part to make sure it happens.