16 Nov Sales Training – A Key Piece in Account Rounding
As agencies look to grow, attracting new business is certainly a key issue. Typically, this involves new clients. However, to complement that new client activity, evaluating the potential for new business activity within your current book of business can yield significant potential. What if your agency had a goal of adding one more product line to each of your clients’ portfolios? What would this correlate to in “new” business sales? While virtually every agency has a goal of account rounding to their personal, commercial, and benefits customers, not every agency has enjoyed the same level of success. Many agencies have achieved tremendous success and have provided some additional growth to their agencies. Unfortunately, other agencies have struggled with this despite what appears to be their best efforts. What could be the difference?
While the staff may have the necessary product knowledge and have frequent opportunities to talk with the clients, there is more to the equation. More often than not, the missing piece involves sales training or, actually, the lack of it. As Ira Hayes, viewed by many as the world’s greatest salesman, said, “Sales is 2% product knowledge and 98% understanding people.”
Face it, the expectations of internal staff is much different today than it was even 10 years ago. As a result, some of the skills the staff have are no longer enough. While many of these staff members may have the desire to get into discussions with customers on additional products, in the vast majority of the cases, these same staff were never taught how to sell. For example, when someone calls to discuss a vehicle change, what is the appropriate manner to transition to discussion on an umbrella? If a customer only has auto with your agency, how does one bring up the topic of homeowners’ or renters’ insurance?
These are skills that need to be taught in most cases. One of those skills involves the art of listening, a critical skill for sales professionals.
Agencies should give serious consideration to establishing a goal for 2022 to provide their staff with sales training. Contact your state agent’s association if you are unsure where to go to get this type of training. Quite possibly, they have partnered with an organization that can provide customized training for your agency.