09 May What Topics Have Been Covered?
With increasing frequency, I am asked (via email or on-site) if I have covered a particular topic on this blog. Also, with many new agencies joining the E&O Plus program, they may not be aware of all of the topics this blog has addressed. So, it is appropriate to speak about this issue to ensure everyone is getting the max benefit from this resource.
This weekly blog has now existed for more than three years. This means that there are over 160 topics covered.
So here’s a helpful tip. You will note a dedicated search area on the right side of the blog page. Here is what that looks like:
Type in the subject you are looking for, and the search will bring up every blog where that word (or words) has been mentioned. For example, you are looking for the disclaimer suggested when you move an account to a new carrier at renewal time. Type in disclaimer, and all blog postings that include that word will be shown. You may have to scroll through a few to find the exact one you want. It is best to be general in your search words to find the specific issue you seek.