Assurex E&O Plus | Blog
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It is not uncommon to find agency staff that are absolutely petrified of E&O, and this can include agency owners. While being scared of E&O may result in staff doing the right thing, I won’t say that being scared of E&O is a good thing. Yes,...

It would certainly seem realistic that the way an agency brands itself is going to play a significant role in the agency’s future business success. In the words of entrepreneur William Arruda, “What makes you unique makes you successful.” There are many ideas around this...

Without question, training staff is an integral element in every agency. Many industry forecasters have noted that an agency’s focus on training and education will play an ever-increasing role in the agency’s future success. An important component of this training should include E&O education and awareness....

The answer is yes. Carriers will sue their agents, and actually, this has been a part of the E&O world for many years. When you look at the claim statistics of the E&O Plus program, there are a sizeable number of E&O claims made against...

Every year, it is amazing how many E&O claims involve the umbrella line of business. There are a variety of issues, but I want to highlight one of particular concern.   This involves the position that most personal lines carriers take in strongly encouraging (requiring may be a better word) that claims are reported directly to them. Their goal is to...