Assurex E&O Plus | Blog
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“May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey be plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs!” – Anonymous To all of the great staff of every E&O Plus agency,   Happy Thanksgiving...

To truly answer this question, it is appropriate to look at various issues dealing with the legal liability of an agency. In more specifics, what defenses could the agency invoke that would potentially swing the scales of justice in their favor? When an agency is involved...

As hopefully many agents know, clients have (in all but a few states) a duty to read their policy. After all, an insurance policy is a contract between the carrier and the insured, and shouldn't a party to a contract have a duty and responsibility...

Let's take the scenario that you have just done a nice deed for a colleague (which I have no doubt happens every day). That colleague responds by stopping by your cubicle/office and saying, "Thanks." How does that gesture make you feel? It probably felt pretty...

In virtually all annual agency reviews, claims handling is addressed. It is important to have this discussion because claims handling has been the #2 cause of E&O claims since 1986 (when the E&O Plus program, formerly PAR, was established). Among the primary drivers of this...

With increasing frequency, the marketplace is in a state of disruption. Most of the disruption is likely the result of Mother Nature. This results in carriers exiting the marketplace in specific states or specific lines of business. In some cases, carriers are moving specific books...

Many years ago, I was sent a poem that I passed on to friends and colleagues. It involves a fair amount of self-reflection, which I feel is a great attribute to live by. While I am not really into poems, this one resonated with me,...

One issue affecting virtually all agencies is compliance with many of their various procedures. It is difficult to say exactly what the root issue is. Some staff may not like the procedure or feel that they have a “better” way to handle one or more...

Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately), when I see an exposure, I wonder how insurance covers it. Exposures, whether rideshare, renting your car or house, or an unmanned aircraft, keep developing. I recently heard that if you have a nice backyard with a nice pool, you can...