Assurex E&O Plus | Blog
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Imagine the following scenario: As the producer who sold the account, you are on the stand in a trial where the client suffered a loss, and after reporting the claim, they were informed there was not enough coverage. Due to the size of the uninsured...

For those who have attended an E&O seminar in their insurance career, the words “Document, Document, Document” have definitely been spoken, and with good reason. Few key “Best Practices” have ever been spoken that rival those three words in the importance of E&O loss prevention.  I...

This has always been one of my favorite sayings. It is especially relevant to agencies since a significant part of the day-to-day discussions and transactions involve selling in some form. This might relate to my early days in the insurance business (back in 1975, selling...

With our current economic times and many families looking to tighten their financial belts and explore opportunities to reduce expenses, insurance is a common target. I have heard from many of the agencies I am honored to work with that they received an increase in...

With increased frequency, we are hearing about various products being recalled. Some products were food related: peanut butter, baby formula, lettuce, onions, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, etc. Other recalls involve eye drops, various health powders, fishing games, motorcycles, cars, tools, etc. While researching this topic, I...

For the benefit of some of the newer staff in the agency, the agency you work for has E&O coverage, essentially a professional liability policy that provides protection and coverage for claims made against the agency alleging negligence of some type. Every E&O policy has...

For the non-benefits folks, this procedure involves the client contacting the agency to make employee changes to the benefits coverage. The agency would then contact the carrier (typically through the carrier's online portal) to make those changes. The change would involve an employee being added...

With increasing frequency, I am asked (via email or on-site) if I have covered a particular topic on this blog. Also, with many new agencies joining the E&O Plus program, they may not be aware of all of the topics this blog has addressed. So,...

Every E&O Plus agency I am honored to deal with is constantly looking to improve and get better. Part of the “better” involves achieving growth in new business writings and overall revenue growth. I do find, from time-to-time, agencies that are not sure of the...