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E&O Plus Blog

I recently had a producer at one of the agencies I am honored to work with refer to his role as a “Doctor of Insurance.” In other words, to address the pain that the insurance prospect was feeling. I had never heard that “Doctor of...

Several years ago (pre-pandemic), my inquisitive mind reached out to one of the Allianz Claims staff (Allianz was the E&O Plus E&O carrier before Swiss Re) with a question. The question essentially was, "When you look at the E&O claims that have occurred, what is...

Without question, every agency is experiencing some level of turnover. Filling the vacant positions is probably not as easy as it used to be. Your goal may be to hire an insurance professional from another agency, and in many cases, that is a good approach...

“One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.” — Andy Rooney To each of you and your families and friends, I hope the holidays are truly a special...

“E&O is a marathon – not a sprint” is an expression I have used many times. As much as everyone in the agency (especially senior management) would like to perfect their E&O culture in the shortest time possible, that is typically not how it happens....

Typically, mid-year is when it seems that affirmations or changes in carrier ratings are released. The changes may be minor or, as we have seen recently, they can be more significant. In two months, one carrier went from AM Best’s rating of A- to C++....

As many of you know, at the recent E&O Plus Quality Management Seminar in San Diego, there was some discussion on firing a client for whatever reason. Some participants expressed frustration on getting rid of a client primarily because that client no longer fits your...

“May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey be plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs!” – Anonymous To all of the great staff of every E&O Plus agency,   Happy Thanksgiving...

To truly answer this question, it is appropriate to look at various issues dealing with the legal liability of an agency. In more specifics, what defenses could the agency invoke that would potentially swing the scales of justice in their favor? When an agency is involved...

As hopefully many agents know, clients have (in all but a few states) a duty to read their policy. After all, an insurance policy is a contract between the carrier and the insured, and shouldn't a party to a contract have a duty and responsibility...